Sunday, January 11, 2015

The few, the proud

To the dear folks at home,

You probably noticed that you didn't notice me much the past few days. Unfortunately, while minding my own business earlier this week, I was sucker-punched by a nasty flu that laid me out on the couch for some otherwise perfectly fine days. However, resilient as ever, I have overcome, perservered, and risen from the couch to resume normal activities -- praise the Emergen-C!

This missive is coming to you from Tillamook, OR, as we snuck out early Satuday morning to embark upon our first long-distance trip of the year. The goal of this trip was this fellow:
Standing at attention, the majestic Tundra Bean-Goose observes the slovenly Canada Geese vainly organizing their feathers
Remember last weekend's rare duck, the one that took a left turn at the Bering Sea and ended up in California instead of Asia? Well, this Tundra Bean-Goose made a similar mistake, and ended up in a field outside of Tillamook in November, when he decided, hey, this place is pretty chill, I could hang for a while and now what do you know good grief it's already January my how the time flies.

Aside from his general regalness, he's pretty cool because he's only the second bird of his kind ever recorded in the lower 48 states. He's unusual enough that he has his own guest book at the wildlife refuge where he's lazing about, which hundreds of people from as far away as Massachusetts have signed. Greg, I'm sure you're jealous... Otherwise, he seemed very goosey, doing goosey things just like all the other gooses in the field.

Otherwise, Oregon is just like I remember it in winter: gray, drab, misty, drizzly:
Little-known fact: There is no color in Oregon in winter. 
Off to dinner, hope you're doing well and ready for us to return Monday!


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