Friday, January 2, 2015

Goose, goose, duck!

Hey, Gang,

Where were you guys this morning? When we left at 5-freaking-it's-so-dark-and-cold-why-are-we-doing-this-30 in the AM, you were not to be found. Actually, that was smart.

Our goal today was Colusa National Wildlife Refuge, about two hours north-ish of us. Our target was the narcissistic Falcated Duck:

See him posing in the sunshine, with his glowy green head? Show-off.

This duck is rarely found in North America, being primarily a resident of eastern Asia. However, one particular duck has found its way thousands of miles from Asia, to the exact same pond in California, for three of the past four winters.

How does he do this? Nobody knows, although it could involve anything from the Earth's magnetic field to following the stars or key landmarks. Why does he do this? Nobody knows that either. My personal suspicision is that he likes the attention (see here and here).

Now, you may say that ascribing the human condition of narcissism to an organism that we don't understand much about would be ignorant or rude at best.

However, look at the evidence: he's got gorgeous colors and flowing feathers, he comes back to the same place to adoring crowds year after year, and we watched him spend most of his morning preening to make himself even more beautiful.

Case closed.

Until next time, take care and don't get your feathers ruffled,

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