Monday, April 13, 2015

The Greatest Animal Sound, or the Greatest Sound?

Para mis pequeños anfibios,

Still near Galveston, but the weather was much better today. Sunny, windy, 85F, and near 99% humidity for much of the day. This sounds bad, and it was, but the windy moist heat is a far cry better than a no-wind moist heat. Which still isn't as comfortable as a dry heat. But I digress.

The birds today were good, but not the highlight (foreshadowing). We added 8 birds for the day, from the diminutive Bay-Breasted Warbler, to the secretive Least Bittern, to the stocky Gull-billed Tern (no insult intended, buddy, but that's what they call least it's better than "husky", right?).

The highlight of the day was a sound. Not just any sound, but one of the greatest sounds ever.

Allow me to present to you, [drumroll],

The Sheep Frog!!!!

I never knew they existed until today, when we heard them while standing on a road through the middle of a marsh. We whipped out a mic, and they laid down some ill tracks. I don't know why I love that sound so much, but I do.

What could be better than a few Sheep Frogs going off? Try a group of them!

Note that this is NOT the most annoying sound in the world. This is:

For extra fun, start the video above, and when it gets to about 7 seconds, start the video below:

Sleep well,

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